My philosophy for language learning is always on preparation and practice for real-life socialization. The work we do must be relevant to your professional and out-of-work interaction with people. Through our enjoyable and open learning sessions, you will feel more confident not only in using English or Russian, you will be more motivated to test your limits and break through internal barriers.
The learning always takes place through informal, relaxed though engaging discussions based on our personal experiences and other important subjects, even when studying text-book grammar rules, phrasal verbs, modal verbs or idioms.
The Learning.
Confidence and excellence in career English is a lifelong talent that I want my students to have. I want them to be fluent participants in small talk at conferences as well as making the critical comments at a strategic meeting. Nothing for me is as rewarding as to help them reach new levels in their careers. When I see my career English students developing confidence and self-assurance, that's when I have a sense of accomplishment as a teacher.
Stress is an inevitability in business life but it can also be a key factor in our success as it allows us to push ourselves beyond our limits. I will help you pinpoint the source of business stress, free up your mind and move forward to make the right decisions. We will explore techniques for effective stress reduction and alternative methods for dealing with stressful situations, such as boss relations, presentations, customers and inter-office politics.
English as a Second Language
Career English
Task and Stress Management
Corporate Workshops
I design and conduct motivating and educational corporate workshops and team building discussion groups involving active, dynamic discourse on relevant, captivating topics.